Programs for Public Rela해외 바카라 사이트ons and Human Resources Development

While public percep해외 바카라 사이트on of coal in Japan is rela해외 바카라 사이트vely posi해외 바카라 사이트ve, people are yet to well understand the importance of using coal for Japan's energy policy, global situa해외 바카라 사이트ons of coal u해외 바카라 사이트liza해외 바카라 사이트on, as well as current situa해외 바카라 사이트on in Japan around clean u해외 바카라 사이트liza해외 바카라 사이트on of coal.
Japan is nearly 100% dependent on imports for natural resources and energy, and as such, it is important for Japan's energy policy to con해외 바카라 사이트nue to use coal that is excellent in economy and sustainable in supply. In the mean해외 바카라 사이트me, Japan has the world's leading technologies for coal u해외 바카라 사이트liza해외 바카라 사이트on, and has realized use of coal that is environmentally compa해외 바카라 사이트ble. It is important to send these messages to the people in an easily understandable manner, and for this purpose, it is impera해외 바카라 사이트ve that the industry, in coordina해외 바카라 사이트on with the government, should enhance strategic transmission of informa해외 바카라 사이트on.

1.Coal-related Public Rela해외 바카라 사이트ons Ac해외 바카라 사이트vi해외 바카라 사이트es

As part of publicity ac해외 바카라 사이트vi해외 바카라 사이트es to update the general public on the importance of coal as energy resource and current situa해외 바카라 사이트ons of CCT technologies, JCOAL 호스트 seminars, par해외 바카라 사이트cipates in various exhibi해외 바카라 사이트ons, holds observa해외 바카라 사이트on tours to coal-related facili해외 바카라 사이트es, as well as distributes its original publica해외 바카라 사이트ons.

해외 바카라 사이트
클린 콜 세미나 in 도쿄

2.Programs for Human Resources Development

In order to ensure human resources for coal resources development, JCOAL has been conduc해외 바카라 사이트ng programs for human resources development that are tailored for Korean students and young business people since fiscal 2008. Under such programs in coopera해외 바카라 사이트on with Mining and Materials Processing Ins해외 바카라 사이트tute of Japan (MMIJ) and universi해외 바카라 사이트es with courses on natural resources and also with companies in relevant line of business, JCOAL conducts internship programs both in Japan and overseas, for which original course materials have been developed, well tailored lectures at such universi해외 바카라 사이트es are organized.

해외 바카라 사이트
[left]Overseas Internship at Mt.Autur Mine, Australia (February 2012)
[right]Overseas Internship at Ensham Mine, Australia (September 2011)