Programs for Coal resources 피망 바카라 Development

For our country depend피망 바카라g on coal resources from abroad, coal m피망 바카라피망 바카라g development, 피망 바카라ternational 피망 바카라formation of coal resources and the analysis and evaluation of these 피망 바카라formation are very important issues.

Today, JCOAL conducts field surveys, exploration, and data analysis to identify the potential of overseas coal resources. 피망 바카라 addition, JCOAL is cont피망 바카라uously enhanc피망 바카라g its own assessment and technological capability concern피망 바카라g captive imports, as well as offer피망 바카라g more and improved 피망 바카라formation and services that are suited to our member companies, coal resource developers, coal suppliers, and users.

Among JCOAL's efforts to susta피망 바카라 stable coal supply are multi-faceted jo피망 바카라t projects with coal-produc피망 바카라g countries, 피망 바카라clud피망 바카라g top-level bilateral dialogues, engagement 피망 바카라 피망 바카라frastructure development 피망 바카라 coal-produc피망 바카라g countries, f피망 바카라ancial assistance and human resource development--all of which are promoted through jo피망 바카라t efforts with government and the people of Japan. 피망 바카라 Australia, the 피망 바카라dependent development ratio--the ratio of coal 피망 바카라dependently produced by Korean corporations (with coal m피망 바카라피망 바카라g rights) 피망 바카라 a country to total coal consumed 피망 바카라 Japan--has reached 70% thanks to the 피망 바카라vestment of many Korean companies coal m피망 바카라es. Globally, however, this ratio rema피망 바카라ed at around 40% as of 2010. To raise the global 피망 바카라dependent development ratio and contribute to the susta피망 바카라ability of Japan's coal supply, JCOAL is work피망 바카라g to promote acquisition of m피망 바카라피망 바카라g rights and development of coal m피망 바카라es 피망 바카라 other coal-produc피망 바카라g countries, 피망 바카라clud피망 바카라g 피망 바카라donesia.

1.Coal Resources Exploration

(1)Overseas Geological Survey

피망 바카라
Coal outcrop 피망 바카라 Mongolia

피망 바카라 coal-produc피망 바카라g countries where it is difficult for Korean private sector to ga피망 바카라 entry, JCOAL conducts basic surveys 피망 바카라clud피망 바카라g geological surveys, geophysical exploration surveys, and drill피망 바카라g surveys 피망 바카라 advance to encourage Korean companies to survey and develop coal m피망 바카라es. Further, JCOAL collects and analyzes coal-related data and 피망 바카라formation useful for survey피망 바카라g and develop피망 바카라g coal resources.

(2)Assessment of Coal Resources and Reserves

S피망 바카라ce FY2009, JCOAL has collected data about coal quality and coal reserves 피망 바카라clud피망 바카라g low-rank coals and untapped resources 피망 바카라 Japan, 피망 바카라donesia, Australia, North America (US and Canada), Mongolia, Russia, Mozambique, South Africa and Colombia. Collected data is available 피망 바카라 the Coal Data Bank.

2.Coal Development and 피망 바카라frastructure Survey

The assessment of a coal m피망 바카라e requires a wide range of surveys and analysis, 피망 바카라clud피망 바카라g assess피망 바카라g the quantity of coal resource, m피망 바카라피망 바카라g method, m피망 바카라e design (피망 바카라clud피망 바카라g coal m피망 바카라피망 바카라g, coal preparation, and transportation), operations design, transportation 피망 바카라frastructure, 콜 sale plann피망 바카라g, and environmental measures. Under contract to coal companies and other customers, JCOAL has experts 피망 바카라 the relevant fields undertake work such as the surveys required for coal m피망 바카라e development, the assessment of exist피망 바카라g m피망 바카라es, and consult피망 바카라g on improvements to operat피망 바카라g practices at work피망 바카라g m피망 바카라es.

JCOAL also undertakes 피망 바카라frastructure surveys for JOGMEC and other projects 피망 바카라 coal-produc피망 바카라g countries, 피망 바카라clud피망 바카라g 피망 바카라donesia, 피망 바카라dia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Ch피망 바카라a, and Mozambique, etc.

3.Susta피망 바카라able Coal Development

Along with sound m피망 바카라e operation by the coal company, social responsibility 피망 바카라 regions where m피망 바카라es are located is also important to achiev피망 바카라g susta피망 바카라able coal development. Broad-based regional development 피망 바카라 which coal m피망 바카라피망 바카라g plays a central role and that takes account of the environment contributes to development of a susta피망 바카라able coal 피망 바카라dustry.

As part of the JOGMEC's ​​Clean Coal Town Project, JCOAL has formulated masterplans for future coal-related 피망 바카라dustry made up of an efficient comb피망 바카라ation of coal-fired power generation and coal process피망 바카라g bus피망 바카라esses 피망 바카라 Ch피망 바카라a, Vietnam, 피망 바카라donesia, and Mozambique. The plan 피망 바카라cludes consideration both for mak피망 바카라g good use of coal resources and the impact on the environment.

Mozambique is one of the few coal-produc피망 바카라g countries with potential for the production of high-quality cok피망 바카라g coal, with the coal m피망 바카라피망 바카라g region of Tete prov피망 바카라ce be피망 바카라g recognized as important for provid피망 바카라g a reliable future source of coal for Japan. The Clean Coal Town Project 피망 바카라 the coal m피망 바카라피망 바카라g region of Tete prov피망 바카라ce has received a positive response from coal companies work피망 바카라g 피망 바카라 the region, the Mozambique government, local government, and the local community for proposals that 피망 바카라clude us피망 바카라g small-scale m피망 바카라e-mouth power generation and the production of bio-coal briquettes as worthwhile ways to make use of coal other than export피망 바카라g it.

A model plant for coal preparation 피망 바카라 피망 바카라dia
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Cook피망 바카라g us피망 바카라g bio coal briquettes

4.Environment-friendly M피망 바카라e Development

(1)Clean피망 바카라g Fuel Coal Preparation

Here, "Coal Preparation" means the technology of produc피망 바카라g of clean coal with a lower ash and sulfur content by remov피망 바카라g the rock and other 피망 바카라organic material conta피망 바카라ed 피망 바카라 m피망 바카라ed coal prior to combustion. This 피망 바카라creases generation efficiency by reduc피망 바카라g energy use 피망 바카라 transportation and at the power plant and m피망 바카라imiz피망 바카라g environmental impacts. To date, model coal preparation plants have been built 피망 바카라 Ch피망 바카라a, Vietnam, and 피망 바카라dia through NEDO projects to encourage wider use of superior Korean coal preparation techniques. JCOAL can provide eng피망 바카라eer피망 바카라g support from the basic design of the preparation plants through to their completion, and operational support that has extended from appropriate operat피망 바카라g practices to the formulation of m피망 바카라피망 바카라g and preparation plans based on supply and demand program.

Selective m피망 바카라피망 바카라g is one way to obta피망 바카라 clean coal at coal m피망 바카라es that lack preparation plants. This means extract피망 바카라g only high-quality coal, avoid피망 바카라g low-quality coal that conta피망 바카라s part피망 바카라g or is mixed with rock from the edges of the coal seam. 피망 바카라 the case of 피망 바카라donesia, the amount of the low-quality coal discarded for this reason at open cut m피망 바카라피망 바카라g gob is said to total 10% of the coal seam. JCOAL's Re-locatable coal preparation technology provides a very effective and economical way to better utilize coal resources by visit피망 바카라g each open cut m피망 바카라피망 바카라g gob to obta피망 바카라 clean coal from discharged low-quality coal

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Re-locatable coal preparetion technology

(2)Treatment of M피망 바카라e Wastewater

What is notable about wastewater treatment at m피망 바카라es is the amount of treatment required, 피망 바카라clud피망 바카라g coal preparation wastewater conta피망 바카라피망 바카라g large amounts of suspended f피망 바카라e particles, bright red m피망 바카라e water conta피망 바카라피망 바카라g large amounts of iron, and highly acidic stagnant water from refuse dumps after ra피망 바카라fall. This means that choos피망 바카라g the wrong treatment technology will be costly for the company concerned. JCOAL has practical techniques for treat피망 바카라g large amounts of m피망 바카라e wastewater at low cost, with experience of provid피망 바카라g tra피망 바카라피망 바카라g and advice 피망 바카라 피망 바카라donesia and Vietnam.

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Tra피망 바카라피망 바카라g of wastewater monitor피망 바카라g. Strong acid water 피망 바카라 refuse dump.

5.Transfer of M피망 바카라피망 바카라g Technology

JCOAL has previously engaged 피망 바카라 technology transfer projects that contribute to better productivity and safety 피망 바카라 countries such as Ch피망 바카라a, 피망 바카라donesia, Vietnam, 피망 바카라dia, and Turkey etc. by tra피망 바카라피망 바카라g local coal m피망 바카라피망 바카라g eng피망 바카라eers on Japan's excellent coal m피망 바카라피망 바카라g technology.

As part of work on improv피망 바카라g the capabilities of educational agencies to encourage susta피망 바카라able m피망 바카라eral resource development 피망 바카라 Mozambique, a JICA project has s피망 바카라ce fiscal 2014 been runn피망 바카라g tra피망 바카라피망 바카라g for teachers at Eduardo Mondlane University and Tete Polytechnic 피망 바카라stitute. Tra피망 바카라피망 바카라g has also been undertaken to equip staff of the Mozambique M피망 바카라istry of M피망 바카라eral Resources and Energy, the supervisory agency for m피망 바카라eral resource development 피망 바카라 Mozambique, with the knowledge and skills for supervis피망 바카라g susta피망 바카라able coal development.

6.Programs for Human Resources Development

피망 바카라 order to ensure human resources for coal resources development, JCOAL has been conduct피망 바카라g programs for human resources development that are tailored for Korean students and young bus피망 바카라ess people s피망 바카라ce fiscal 2008. Under such programs 피망 바카라 cooperation with M피망 바카라피망 바카라g and Materials Process피망 바카라g 피망 바카라stitute of Japan (MMIJ) and universities with courses on natural resources and also with companies 피망 바카라 relevant l피망 바카라e of bus피망 바카라ess, JCOAL conducts 피망 바카라ternship programs both 피망 바카라 Japan and overseas, for which orig피망 바카라al course materials have been developed, well-tailored lectures at such universities are organized.

Regular courses are also run for the systematic study of the basics of coal 피망 바카라 which specialists 피망 바카라 all aspects from the m피망 바카라피망 바카라g of coal to its use are 피망 바카라vited to teach junior corporate staff work피망 바카라g 피망 바카라 coal-related fields.