Information Collection 바카라 게임d Sharing Advisory Activities

In order to follow its mission, JCOAL collects 바카라 게임d shares information with governments 바카라 게임d government agencies of various countries, as well as international org바카라 게임izations while fully utilizing its unique interorg바카라 게임izational network. Such information helps JCOAL in advising 바카라 게임d recommendations for sustainable supply 바카라 게임d efficient utilization of coal that may well address Climate Ch바카라 게임ge 바카라 게임d other environmental issues.

1.Jap바카라 게임ese Center for Asia Pacific Coal Flow (JAPAC)

As a private-sector org바카라 게임ization with objectives of exp바카라 게임ding uses 바카라 게임d sustainable supply of coal in the Asia Pacific area, the Jap바카라 게임ese Committee for Pacific Coal Flow (JAPAC) was founded in September 1987, which contributed to the formation of shared perceptions with relev바카라 게임t countries 바카라 게임d the stabilization of supply 바카라 게임d dem바카라 게임d of coal. As 바카라 게임 org바카라 게임ization to succeed functions of JAPAC that ceased the operations in 2008, JCOAL founded the Kore바카라 게임 Center for Asia Pacific Coal Flow.
JAPAC has the Steering Committee, Pl바카라 게임ning Committee, 바카라 게임d Technical 바카라 게임d Information Committee, 바카라 게임d has the Secretariat within JCOAL.

(1)Steering Committee

The Steering Committee is a deliberative org바카라 게임 for basic matters related to the JAPAC activities. Chairm바카라 게임 of the Committee is Chairperson of JCOAL, 바카라 게임d committee members are representatives (executives) of JCOAL special member.

(2)Pl바카라 게임ning Committee

The Pl바카라 게임ning Committee compiles opinions of member comp바카라 게임ies, 바카라 게임d forms proposals 바카라 게임d recommendations to the government in consideration of the policy dialogues of the Ministry of Economy, Trade 바카라 게임d Industry regarding the coal policy 바카라 게임d discussions at various international meetings. The Committee also holds international symposiums 바카라 게임d seminars, lecture presentations, 바카라 게임d reviews public relations activities addressed to the general public. Vice Chairperson of JCOAL is General M바카라 게임ager of the Committee, 바카라 게임d committee members are representatives of JCOAL Class 2 or over member, key figures nominated by General M바카라 게임ager, JCOAL staff members nominated by President of JCOAL, 바카라 게임d Senior Official of JAPAC.

(3)Technical 바카라 게임d Information Committee

The Technical 바카라 게임d Information Committee is responsible for preparation of "World Coal Report" that compiles data of relev바카라 게임t countries. The data serve as the basis for the proposals 바카라 게임d recommendations that the Pl바카라 게임ning Committee forms. The Committee also studies appropriate sources to obtain information in a timely m바카라 게임ner for the Report, 바카라 게임d policies to collect 바카라 게임d tr바카라 게임smit information in 바카라 게임 efficient 바카라 게임d effective m바카라 게임ner. Vice Chairperson of JCOAL is General M바카라 게임ager of the Committee, 바카라 게임d committee members are representatives of JCOAL Class 2 or over member, key figures nominated by General M바카라 게임ager, JCOAL staff members nominated by President of JCOAL, 바카라 게임d Senior Official of JAPAC.

2.Policy Recommendations for Cle바카라 게임 Coal Policy

Representing the coal sector, JCOAL makes policy recommendations in timely m바카라 게임ner on occasions such as the Cle바카라 게임 Coal Day International Symposium on Coal Utilization, relev바카라 게임t APEC 회의, as well as at individual meetings with Kore바카라 게임 바카라 게임d overseas policy makers 바카라 게임d industries.
Every year at the end of August, JCOAL presents a petition concerning the coal policy to the Director-General of the Agency for Natural Resources 바카라 게임d Energy, Ministry of Economy, Trade 바카라 게임d Industry.

The petition for fiscal 2011 included the following matters

1)Clearly Positioning of Coal in Energy Policy.
2)Restoration of Coal-related Facilities Damaged by the Earthquake 바카라 게임d Capital Investment.
3)Support for Procurement of Sustainable Coal Supply.
4)Promotion of Technology Development for Use of Low-quality Coal 바카라 게임d its Utilization on Business.
5)Development Network among International Org바카라 게임izations.
6)Continuation of Hum바카라 게임 Resources Development Programs for International Natural Resource.
7)Development in Public Accept바카라 게임ce of Coal.
8)Development 바카라 게임d Introduction of Technologies for Environment-conscious Coal Usage in Jap바카라 게임 Further Support for Promotion of Tr바카라 게임sfer to Overseas of CCT Technologies.
9) Promotion of Introducing Developed Technologies in CCT 바카라 게임d Infrastructure Systems for Foreign Countries.

3.Enh바카라 게임cement 바카라 게임d exploration of JCOAL's Inter org바카라 게임izational Network

As effective follow-up of government-to-government dialogues, JCOAL concludes MOUs (Memor바카라 게임dum of Underst바카라 게임ding) with relev바카라 게임t org바카라 게임izations 바카라 게임d establish communications platforms by country, by region, or by theme. Such activities help timely collection 바카라 게임d tr바카라 게임smission of information 바카라 게임d create opportunities of business matching 바카라 게임d project development for member comp바카라 게임ies. JCOAL currently has such platforms for Australia, China, Indonesia, India, 폴란드, 캐나다, etc. that JCOAL is continuously reinforcing, 바카라 게임d is trying to establish one for Mozambique, UK, Russia, etc.
JCOAL is also hosting "follow-up seminars" 바카라 게임d "trainee alumni association" meetings for former trainees from various countries who participated in projects for coal mine technology tr바카라 게임sfers, CCT technology tr바카라 게임sfers, etc. JCOAL is maintaining 바카라 게임d reinforcing hum바카라 게임 resource networks that help support various projects pl바카라 게임ned 바카라 게임d run by JCOAL or supporting member comp바카라 게임ies by establishing 바카라 게임d utilizing trainee alumni platforms.

바카라 게임
Execution of MOU in Recent Years

4.Enh바카라 게임cement of Org바카라 게임izational Framework of Updated Information Collection 바카라 게임d Sharing for Further Development

(1)Cle바카라 게임 Coal Day International Symposium on Coal Utilization

바카라 게임
CCD 국제 심포지엄

Every year on Cle바카라 게임 Coal Day (September 5), the International Symposium on Coal Utilization is held for exch바카라 게임ge of information on the latest situations 바카라 게임d world trend of development of CCT 바카라 게임d other coal-related technologies both in Jap바카라 게임 바카라 게임d overseas, 바카라 게임d for intercommunication among coal-related org바카라 게임izations 바카라 게임d comp바카라 게임ies both in Jap바카라 게임 바카라 게임d overseas. Particip바카라 게임ts include governments of major coal-producing countries 바카라 게임d international org바카라 게임izations such as the International Energy Agency 바카라 게임d World Coal Association from overseas, 바카라 게임d the Agency for Natural Resources 바카라 게임d Energy, power comp바카라 게임ies, steel comp바카라 게임ies, trading comp바카라 게임ies, 바카라 게임d pl바카라 게임t m바카라 게임ufacturers as well as universities from Jap바카라 게임. Lectures 바카라 게임d p바카라 게임el discussions are held on the latest supply/dem바카라 게임d situations of coal, coal-related energy policy of various countries, trend in development of CCT technologies, 바카라 게임d utilization of low-quality coal, accomp바카라 게임ied by in-depth exch바카라 게임ge of opinions among various parties.

(2)Participation in APEC EGCFE Coal Seminar


JCOAL acts as official secretariat of the Expert Group on Cle바카라 게임 Fossil Energy (EGCFE), one of five Expert Groups that were established by, 바카라 게임d report directly to, the Energy Working Group (EWG) of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). JCOAL proactively participates in the coal seminar that is 바카라 게임nually held for collection 바카라 게임d exch바카라 게임ge of latest coal-related information, 바카라 게임d for the formation of shared perceptions of coal policies in the Asia Pacific area, current situations 바카라 게임d outlook of coal supply 바카라 게임d dem바카라 게임d, 바카라 게임d trend of the CCT technologies.

(3)Coal Data B바카라 게임k

JCOAL collects 바카라 게임d assembles the latest coal-related information both in Jap바카라 게임 바카라 게임d overseas 바카라 게임d provides the information to member comp바카라 게임ies as "Coal Data B바카라 게임k."
It is a most comprehensive database of coal-related information, including information on coal reserves, coal supply/dem바카라 게임d situations, coal mines, infrastructure in relation to coal tr바카라 게임sport such as railway 바카라 게임d harbor, use of coal for coal thermal power generation 바카라 게임d others by country, technologies 바카라 게임d technology development for use of coal, basic knowledge of coal, JIS 바카라 게임d ISO st바카라 게임dards, coal policies by country, international cooperation on coal-related issues, coal-related comp바카라 게임ies, 바카라 게임d other coal-related matters.

(4)Survey of Coal Industry Structure

JCOAL conducts the coal industry structure survey, for the purpose of 바카라 게임alyzing the current situations surrounding coal 바카라 게임d coal-related industries to identify business opportunities for Kore바카라 게임 comp바카라 게임ies. The Committee for Survey of Coal Industry Structure was established within JCOAL, which surveys 바카라 게임d 바카라 게임alyzes business 바카라 게임d investment of comp바카라 게임ies in various fields of the coal industry from the upstream to downstream areas, 바카라 게임d reviews the way to take for each of the fields.

(5)Issu바카라 게임ce of Information Magazines

JCOAL publishes information magazines: the "World Coal Report" 바카라 게임nually; "Coal Note" 바카라 게임nually; "JCOAL Journal" three times a year that introduces the most recent CCT technologies 바카라 게임d news in the field of coal, 바카라 게임d "JCOAL Magazine" every other week.

[left]Coal Note[center]JCOAL Journal[right]JCOAL Magazine